UCC Event Registration

Norval Spring Open House 

Norval Spring

Saturday, June 2, 2024 — Norval Spring Open House
We're thrilled to invite UCC families and alumni to the Norval Spring Open House on Sunday, June 2 from 1 - 3 p.m. Highlights of the event include a visit to our beautiful Norval Outdoor School where you’ll have an opportunity to explore and participate in the following activities:

Norval Amazing Race: Try the Norval Amazing Race course which takes you around the Norval property with more than 15 challenges to complete! If your team completes them all, you’ll earn a unique Norval Amazing Race medal.  

Crayfish Safari: Did you know there are 3 different kinds of crayfish that live in the Credit River? Help us catch (and release) some crayfish, and see what we can find. Please bring rubber boots for this activity, as you have to wade into water.

Come visit the Norval Garden: Students have worked hard to create this appealing and educational garden filled with herbs, flowers, veggies. Spring is the perfect time to plant, meet our vermi worms and plant some spring flowers with our Norval gardener.

Food and refreshments will be available in Stephen House. Friends, family and dogs on leashes are all welcome (note that dogs are not permitted in Stephen House).

Please contact Amanda Vieira for details at avieira-hasz@ucc.on.ca or 416-488-1125.

Directions to Norval: Take Highway 401 west to Winston Churchill Boulevard. Follow Winston Churchill Boulevard north and go through the Village of Norval. Continue straight ahead. The entrance to the Norval property is on your left, 1.2 km north of the village stoplight. The drive takes about 50 minutes from UCC in light traffic.

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